Saturday, August 13, 2011

Apostasy in the Church

Apostasy, the "falling away" from what is true in Scripture and disobeying the commands of Jesus. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, we see clearly that this "falling away" will precede the revealing of the Antichrist and the return of Jesus. So it is inevitable and undeniable. We must see these things for what they truly are. Satan's work as he knows his time is short. We need not accept them or "tolerate" them but we must lovingly open our arms and hearts to the lost who perpetrate them. For G-d wants no one to perish but all to come to repentance.

I am posting some key examples of what the 2 Thessalonian verses teach. Most are controversial and lead all of to think and hope pray to a return to what is true. We must rely on Scripture to lead us to a deeper understanding of what the L-rd truly intends.

Here is the first:

Left-Wing Hatred —

Chick-fil-A is a great American success

story. It currently employs over

50,000 workers at over 1,500 outlets located all across our

nation. It generates more than $2 billion in income and supports

many charitable institutions.

But the left-wing ideologues in this country hate Chick-fil-A.

They have launched an all-out smear campaign to discredit the

business. Why? Because the restaurant chain’s official corporate

mission is to “glorify God.” Accordingly, the business is owned

and operated by devout Christians who believe in Christian

principles. To emphasize this, all Chick-fil-A heir stores are

closed on Sunday to enable their workers to spend the day

resting and worshiping the Lord.

The anti-Chick-fil-A leftists sneer at the company’s main product

as “Jesus Chicken.” They make fun of its no-Sunday-work

policy. They attack its owners and operators as ‘anti-gay.” Even

the New York Times recently attacked the business as “anti-gay.”

These are the same people who have attacked the Boy Scouts of

America relentlessly because of that organization’s commitment

to God and to Christian principles.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good

evil; who substitute darkness for light and

light for darkness . . . — Isaiah 5:20

More to come.....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

First Day Preaching

Be careful what you ask the L-rd for you just may get it! I say this with all sincerity and great appreciation.

It was only a week and 2 days ago that I mentioned to Brian Walton my pastor at Calvary Christian Church in Winchester, that I had a call on my life to teach and preach the Word of G-d. Next sentence, he said " Forest Grove Christian Pastor has been called to Indiana and they may need some interim preachers. Are you interested."

Well I certainly had to put up or shut up at that moment. After prayer and talking it over with my wife, I told Brian I was available. Next thing you know one of their elders calls me on last Friday PM and asks me to preach this Sunday. He said that the person they had lined up had to cancel, then he said you may know him, Dale Adams. I certainly do as many of us do. He was Pastor at Calvary before Brian and another great mentor in my life.

Well if that didn't just ice it, I had two days to prepare and would have to replace one of the greats. Wow, thank you L-rd for putting me to the test. (testing and discipline shows He loves us:)

I kept praying Proverbs 3:5-6 and know for certain that the L-rd would direct me as He saw fit. Well, I must say this was a GREAT SUNDAY! The Sermon I used was "Grace or Wrath" It is Your Choice. The congregation was pleased, they heard directly from the Word what the L-rd wanted them to and I am grateful that they want me to return and preach again.

Our G-d is great and I know it is only through Him that we can accomplish anything.

Here is the text on what I taught. I have learned many things from Prison Ministry, that helped me with this, most of the questions they have are "How do I find Jesus?" "What will He help me with in the here and now and not just the hereafter?" Those questions and other keep me focused on the message that is Freedom in Christ and Power through Christ to have a new life and a renewed mind.

Grace or Wrath, the Choice is Yours

  • In John 3:16 - 19, G-d gives us his plan of salvation. Let’s read it. Eternal Life, Freedom from sin, walking in the light.

  • Choice, Free Will, Seeking, We have heard these terms. Does G-d in fact give us choice as part of His grand plan?
    • The verses make the promise of freedom from His Wrath open to “who-ever.”
    • Does that mean that G-d intends everyone to come to salvation?

There are differing theologies and I like the way that Spurgeon (the prince of preachers) says it the best. C.H. Spurgeon expertly likens the two considerations as two parallel railroad tracks that run through the Bible but do not visibly touch; but when you look way off toward the throne of God they seem to merge, but only there.

  • Let’s consider the viewpoint of choice. In Deuteronomy 6:18-19, 30:11-15, G-d sets the pattern of choice.

I. So which path shall it be? One is the “easy path” Making “bad” choices, let’ consider that first, and the other the “narrow.”

  • In 1 Peter 4:3a. G-d helps us understand the nature of our decisions outside of His grace. Reading on in part b, we see what these “choices” lead us in to.

  • If we explore further, Romans 1:18-23, from this Choice it leads us to an ever increasing level of separation from G-d.
    • In verse 24 we see G-d allowing us to be turned over to sinful desires.
    • In verse 26 we see, desires evolving to shameful lusts.
    • Finally in verse 28 the result is a depraved mind.
    • The list is very much like that of 1 Peter.

  • The end result of pursuing these lifestyle choices? An eternity separated from G-d. And yes that even starts here and now.

    • We all know what the answer is when we try to fill our lives with things. The medication may be good for a smalltime, but it only leads as we just read in Romans to a repeating deeper cycle of despair.

  • Thus, the way to salvation is difficult not many will find it.

II. So is there an answer from this level of recognizable behavior (Matthew 7:15-20). The answer is YES!

  • The gift of Justification in Christ is this renewal. The rebirth. The old has passed away and the new has come. A renewed mind and a life with Christ who gives me strength.

  • How do we find Jesus? Remember it starts with LOVE. Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 13:13. He elaborates in Galatians 5:6 and 13. LOVE from Christ comes first. 1 John 4:19.

  • Out of His love comes the work of the Holy Spirit. When, How? He comes down beside us to convict, never to condemn (John 16). Out of this small seed comes the blossoming of a love for Christ LEADING to Faith. Fed by the word.

  • It Brings FREEDOM! Not to continue making bad choices but to be on the path to righteousness through Christ.
    • It is the freedom from condemnation, Romans 8:1
    • The freedom from a guilty conscience, Hebrews 10:22
    • The freedom from all sin yesterday today and tomorrow, John 3:17-18 5:24

III. Which will we choose? John 3:36. Grace or Wrath!

  • I pray it is the promise John 3:16 of everlasting eternal life with our glorious L-rd and Savior Jesus Christ AND the process of becoming more “Christ-like” in our CURRENT lives, 1 Corinthians 2:9.