Saturday, August 13, 2011

Apostasy in the Church

Apostasy, the "falling away" from what is true in Scripture and disobeying the commands of Jesus. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, we see clearly that this "falling away" will precede the revealing of the Antichrist and the return of Jesus. So it is inevitable and undeniable. We must see these things for what they truly are. Satan's work as he knows his time is short. We need not accept them or "tolerate" them but we must lovingly open our arms and hearts to the lost who perpetrate them. For G-d wants no one to perish but all to come to repentance.

I am posting some key examples of what the 2 Thessalonian verses teach. Most are controversial and lead all of to think and hope pray to a return to what is true. We must rely on Scripture to lead us to a deeper understanding of what the L-rd truly intends.

Here is the first:

Left-Wing Hatred —

Chick-fil-A is a great American success

story. It currently employs over

50,000 workers at over 1,500 outlets located all across our

nation. It generates more than $2 billion in income and supports

many charitable institutions.

But the left-wing ideologues in this country hate Chick-fil-A.

They have launched an all-out smear campaign to discredit the

business. Why? Because the restaurant chain’s official corporate

mission is to “glorify God.” Accordingly, the business is owned

and operated by devout Christians who believe in Christian

principles. To emphasize this, all Chick-fil-A heir stores are

closed on Sunday to enable their workers to spend the day

resting and worshiping the Lord.

The anti-Chick-fil-A leftists sneer at the company’s main product

as “Jesus Chicken.” They make fun of its no-Sunday-work

policy. They attack its owners and operators as ‘anti-gay.” Even

the New York Times recently attacked the business as “anti-gay.”

These are the same people who have attacked the Boy Scouts of

America relentlessly because of that organization’s commitment

to God and to Christian principles.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good

evil; who substitute darkness for light and

light for darkness . . . — Isaiah 5:20

More to come.....

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